The URDI Paper Series on “A Framework for the Analysis of Urban Sustainability” was written by Wicaksono Sarosa. It is basically an attempt to provide one possible framework in evaluating the environmental sustainability – or provide one possible framework for such an analysis. The result of this analysis can then be used as considerations in planning and management of the urban region.
The main message was that sustainable development should not only cover temporal or inter-generational dimension but also spatial, socio-economic, political, inter-species and inter-medium dimensions.
The paper presented in three parts. Part one explained theoreitical base of the framework of the sustainable development and some of critiques of the concept. Part Two explains the roles of cities and city planning in the environment-development debate and examines the rapidly emerging efforts to conceptualize, interpret and implement the idea of sustainable cities. Part three illustrates the proposed framework that can be used as an approach in analyzing urban environmental sustainability.
A Framework for the Analysis of Urban Sustainability